Caffeine Peter Colijn

April 06, 2008 (link)

Caffeine is good for you. The BBC says so, therefore it must be true. All these years I've been protecting my brain against Alzheimer's and dementia. What do all you lousy water and juice drinkers have to show for your beverage choices? Oh sure, you may be well-hydrated, but I'll take dehydration over dementia any day, suckers!

April 11, 2008 (link)

Rant: locales

I recently bought some French music. The filenames have non-ASCII characters in them. Guess what I see when I ls the files in a terminal? If you guessed the actual, correct filenames, you're wrong! I see random shit, of course!

Why is it that in 2008, with a modern Linux distribution (aka gutsy), this problem is still not solved out of the box? What's more, the localeconf tool that you used to use to choose your locale has been removed from gutsy for some stupid reason. I couldn't find it in apt-get and had to download the deb manually.

Anyway, I have set my LANG to en_CA.UTF-8. I have tried both gnome-terminal and xterm. I am using a modern font that I know has the correct characters in both. And still, random shit printed instead of correct characters. What do people do who actually have to deal with filenames containing non-ASCII characters on a daily basis, you know, for things more important than their music collections?

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